The attached COVID eNewsletter contains information on: ventilation; personal protective equipment; work refusals; and COVID-19 testing. COVID-19 FAQ #1 – 2021-2022
Read MoreSeptember Newsletter
The September AMETFO newsletter contains; – Welcome back message – Portfolio update – 2021/22 ETFO salary grid – Retirement information September AMETFO newsletter
Read MoreToronto teacher Karen Brown elected ETFO president
AUGUST 20, 2021 TORONTO, ON – Toronto teacher Karen Brown was elected president of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) at today’s Annual Meeting. Brown has served as ETFO first vice-president since 2015 and was first elected to the provincial Executive in 2009. Brown is the first Black president to be elected to […]
Read MoreOntario’s teacher unions support mandatory vaccinations in schools
AUGUST 20, 2021 TORONTO, ON—Today, the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), and Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) issued the following statement in support of mandatory vaccinations in schools: “Ontario’s education unions representing teachers, education support workers, and other school […]
Read MoreYour 2020-2021 Retirees
Congratulations retirees! On behalf of the members of AMETFO and our Local Executive, I would like to send all of you good wishes as you begin this new chapter. May your retirement be filled with joy, happiness, and many marvellous memories. All the best to our “graduating class” of 2020-2021! 2020-2021 Retirement Newsletter
Read MoreNew OFL COVID-19 Resource
The Ontario Federation of Labour has developed a resource called Follow the Science. Enforce the Law. Protect Workers. The resource contains background information on airborne transmission of COVID-19 and indicates what is needed for worker protection based on science and the law. The resource can be found at this link: Please share Follow the Science. Enforce the Law. […]
Read MoreETFO Summer Organizing Training Series
Our Summer Organizing Training Series registration is open. These workshops are applicable to all members who are interested in getting organized to defeat the Ford government in the next election. Please feel free to share this on your local social media pages. 1) July 21 – Where’s the Power (90 minutes) – This will be a session on mapping power […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 FAQ #29
The attached COVID eNewsletter contains information on: vaccinations; health and safety; mental health; reporting; individual education plans; and pandemic impacts on the South Asian community. COVID-19 FAQ #29
Read MoreOrganizing to Defeat this Government
A message from the ETFO Provincial Office; “We have seen throughout the pandemic how social media can be a great tool to shift conversations and build engagement on important issues. Social media offers the opportunity to proactively get in front of issues and generate momentum. We know our members played a role in shifting conversations […]
Read MoreHybrid Learning Resources/Speaking Notes
Please find attached social media shareables and speaking notes that are critical of the hybrid model. Please feel free to share these through your social media channels. Speaking notes re: hybrid learning – May 2021
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