Benevolent Fund

The Fund provides an immediate influx of money to a family should a member die.  We all hope we never have to use the Benevolent Fund but if we do, it makes a difference in the lives of members’ families.  During this stressful time, money is often required immediately.  As a result of the Benevolent Fund, a substantial sum of money is available with no strings attached, hopefully removing at least one worry at a difficult time.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee:

  1. meets prior to the first executive meeting to prepare the upcoming budget;
  2. presents a proposed budget to the membership for approval at the Fall General Meeting; and
  3. receives all budget requests for the coming fiscal year submitted to this committee by September 15.


Collective Bargaining Committee

The Collective Bargaining Committee:

Implements the Terms of Reference for the Union Local Collective Bargaining Committee which shall be approved by the Union Local Executive.

Constitution/Resolutions Committee

The Constitution/Resolutions Committee:

  1. submits proposed resolutions to the Union Local Executive for their approval at the February Executive Meeting;
  2. develops and posts electronically by February 28, proposed resolutions for the Provincial Annual Meeting;
  3. forwards approved resolutions to the Union by March 1;
  4. monitors, reviews, and proposes amendments to the Union Local Constitution, as required; and,
  5. posts all amendments in accordance with Constitution time lines (April 30).



Elections Committee

The Elections Committee:

  1. ensures that the provisions of the Elections stated in the Local Union constitution are adhered to;
  2. reviews the constitution election procedures and Terms of Reference;
  3. publishes the names of all nominees to the general membership prior to the Union Local Annual Meeting;
  4. ensures local union election procedures are followed; and
  5. organizes and carries out the election at the Union Local Annual Meeting.

Environment Committee

The Environment Committee:

  1. represents the Union Local on the board committee;
  2. studies local environment issues; and
  3. makes recommendations to the Union Local Executive.

ETFO Representatives on Board Committees

Health & Safety:  Drew Macaulay & Darrell Uhler (alternate)

NTIP:  Tina Hildenbrand

Health and Safety Committee

The ETFO Avon Maitland Teacher Local Health and Safety Committee strives to raise an awareness, for our local members, regarding workplace health and safety issues. Members of this committee are responsible for conducting annual audits, participating in local training sessions, receiving concerns that are not able to be resolved at the school/site level, and address concerns at the Avon Maitland’s District School Board’s Joint Health and Safety Committee Meetings.

Your school/site Health and Safety Representative is an integral part of the process for resolving issues before they are brought forward to the Joint Health and Safety Committee. Please address site concerns with your Representative as soon as they arise

Labour Council Representatives

Huron – Drew Macaulay

Perth – Darrell Uhler

Political Action/Public Relations Committee

The PA/PR Committee:

  1. maintains contact with news media except in matters pertaining to collective agreements or negotiations subject to the approval of the President;
  2. encourages teachers in schools to involve themselves in community  affairs and political issues;
  3. co-operates with other Committees in promoting local events;
  4. sees that the general membership, local media and the Board are informed about the work of the Union Local;
  5. assists in the election of individuals who are informed and concerned about education in Ontario;
  6. provides information to members about political matters;
  7. promotes contact with other teacher political groups at the local level;
  8. provides election information service to teachers; and
  9. organizes appropriate events to promote the Union Local with trustees.

Professional Learning Committee

The Professional Development Committee:

  1. informs members of any workshops or information regarding professional development activities;
  2. plans professional development activities for the members; and
  3. encourages teachers to participate in workshops, conventions, or visits to other centers to increase their professional growth

Social Justice and Equity Committee

The Equity and Social Justice Committee:

  1. promotes equity and social justice for members, students, and the community;
  2. advocates for all members;
  3. keeps the membership informed of current Ministry and Provincial initiatives as they concern equity and social justice issues;
  4. organizes and supports fundraising initiatives for equity groups,
  5. provide workshops on professional and personal development in non-curriculum areas; and,
  6. works in liaison with equity seeking groups and committees.

Status of Women Committee

The Status of Women Committee continues to raise awareness, inform and educate on behalf of girls and women everywhere.

Team Members

Awards/Social Committee

The Awards Committee:

  1. recognizes activities and programs at the Union Local level;
  2. recognizes distinguished achievements and long service;
  3. recognizes outstanding contributions to education by others; and
  4. promotes and recognizes outstanding leadership at the Union Local level.