October 31, 2024

Eligible To Retire? Please Read.

Although enrollment in our LTD plan is generally mandatory, there are situations in which members can and/or should cancel their LTD coverage.
These two situations are:
1. Members are eligible for a 60% unreduced service pension.  This means you have 30 years of credited service and have attained the 85 factor.
2. You have reached the end of the month in which you turned 65.

To determine if you are able to cancel your LTD coverage you need to do three things:

1. Print off a copy of your most recent Teacher’ Pension Plan Service Record statement. You can do this at:

OTPP Members Portal

2. Print off a copy of your current absence balance. You can do this in the ESS portal. Links to the ESS Portal or the External ESS Portal can be found on the core.

3. Complete the attached ETFO Provincial LTD Termination Form. 

You will then need to email me the ETFO Provincial LTD Termination Form, as well as your OTPP Service Record and current absence balance. I will forward these to OTIP to confirm that your LTD coverage can be terminated. If so, OTIP will process the termination and contact the Board to inform them to terminate your LTD coverage and credit you any premium overpayment.